• Semester Abroad 2020

    The first month in Hungary

    Hello, welcome back to a new article! About a month ago I arrived in Hungary. I can’t really grasp how fast time passes. I have experienced a lot in the past month. A lot of good things, but also negative ones. At the moment my health is unfortunately weak, so I have to take it easy at the weekend to be fit again by Monday. In the meantime I am with my grandmother and I will be nursed a little. Furthermore, there are many things I have to do for the university. Among other things I have to give two presentations next week, write a paper and take a test.…

  • Semester Abroad 2020

    Flag-Party, Mohács and other incidents

    Welcome back to a new article! The week just flew by. At the beginning of the week there were lectures, homework and presentations on the schedule. Beyond that I still had to do some paperwork. When I left the building after my Hungarian lessons on Thursday morning, the weather was beautiful again. So I decided to walk the two kilometers to the dormitory. At noon I drove to my grandmother. There I used the time and the rest to do all the tasks for the university to have more free time on the weekend. On Friday the so-called “Flag Party” took place. Everybody brought the flag of his country to…

  • Semester Abroad 2020


    Today I take you on a little journey back in time. In the morning of the 15.02 I went together with my grandma to Tiszakécske to visit my grandpa. The two live about 140 km apart. The journey there and back takes 2.5 hours each. On the one hand this is due to the fact that the route only leads over country roads and on the other hand because in Hungary on country roads only 90 km/h are allowed and of course there are several villages on the way.

  • Semester Abroad 2020

    The first week in Pécs

    Welcome back to a new article! On Monday afternoon (it was the the 3rd February) I moved to Pécs. The dormitory is located not far outside the city centre, but is very easy reachable by bus. Directly in front of the dormitory there is a video monitored parking lot where I can park my car. After I arrived, I went to the reception to register. For this, I only had to fill in some documents, show my identity card and pay the deposit. I now live on the first floor and from my room I have a view to the parking lot of the dormitory from where I have a…