Semester Abroad 2020


Hello, dear reader!

This article is about the preparations for my stay abroad and some decisions I have made.
The preparations for the semester abroad already started at the beginning of last year with my applications for the Universities (February/ March 2019). One thing should be said: it has been a great deal of bureaucratic work up to here! However, every student of the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer who wants spent their semester abroad is supported by the International Office at every necessary step, so that nothing can go wrong.

I will give you a small insight: First, I had to apply to my home institution and fill out various documents. During this time I had already selected three countries and universities (if you haven’t read the article “About me & this blog” yet, you should do so now at the latest). For this I already had to select courses for my semester abroad and have them checked. Not until after a few months later, the applications to the foreign universities took place. In between several conversations at the International Office took place and lots of documents had to be filled out. After I got the “unofficial” confirmation for my studies in Pécs in July last year, I had to apply officially again in October and present my chosen courses to the university. These were also checked there and I got the feedback that some of my chosen courses would not be offered. This means that I had to pick out new courses, which were examined for the umpteenth time in Emden and again in Pécs, so that my course plan is now hopefully final.

Besides the documents I had to fill out for Emden and Pécs, there were also organizational things like finding a flat, the outward journey, foreign health insurance and much more. After a long time of thinking back and forth I decided to move to one of the student residences in Pécs. In the dormitory Szántó, in which I will move, all foreign students will be accommodated. It is also easier to make friends and establish contacts there. Either I will be accommodated in building “A” or “D”. In building “A”, two students will share a block of flats, i.e. one bedroom and a kitchenette. Bathrooms and common rooms will be shared by all persons accommodated in the building. The other building is divided into 15 identical blocks of flats. These are each inhabited by four people and consist of two bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room and a kitchenette. But I do not know where I will be accommodated until I move in.
On 29.01 at 10 am the so-called “Orientation Day” takes place in Pécs. There, important information and tips are given and all foreign students get to know each other. This means for me that I will start my journey to Hungary by car on 27.01. If you move in at the dormitory at the end of the month e.g. January, you have to pay for the whole month of January. For this reason I will move in at the beginning of February and stay with my grandmother, who lives about 1.5 hours drive from Pécs. On 03.02. the semester starts officially.
A few things are still to be done. Moreover, I have to start thinking about what I have to pack. Since I am there from winter to summer, it is not so easy (the winters in Hungary can be very cold and the summers are very hot).
The next blog entry will be published when I am in Hungary.

See you!

Your, Patrizia


  • Elke Bontjer-Dobertin

    Liebe Patrizia
    Das ist ja mächtig spannend, was du da zu lesen gibst. Ich warte auf nächste Eintragungen. Ganz dolle wünsche ich dir, dass alles so verläuft, wie du dir das vorstellst. Mir gefällt sehr, dass du dir Ungarn ausgesucht hast. Alles andere hätte auch irgendwie nicht so gut gepasst.
    Ich bin stolz auf dich!
    Knuddelgrüßjen von deiner OmaElke

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