Studying- Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy?!
Hello and welcome back to my blog! Today I would like to go into more detail about studying and explain how the NC is made up. Numerus Clausus (NC)- what does it actually mean? The Numerus Clausus (NC) is an admission restriction of universities, schools and colleges. It comes into effect when there are more applicants than study places. Let’s assume there are 80 study places but 200 applicants. Then the places are allocated according to grade point average in the German Abitur. This means that those with an average of 1.0 will be accepted immediately, then those with an average of 1.1, and so on. The person who is…
Choosing the right course of study
Hello and welcome to my blog! Bachelor’s degree, enrollment, NC, master’s degree, diploma, …what is all this? The following articles will explain these terms and much more and are for all those who are considering whether they want to study or have always wanted to know what such studies really look like. Maybe it will help some to decide for or against a study. I myself studied international industrial engineering at the Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences and can give you a few tips to help you on your way. A few years ago, the diploma was abolished throughout Germany and the degrees were adjusted. After receiving the general entrance…